I'm going MONK MODE ⛪

Some Backstory

Recently a great tragedy has befallen me. And as a result, my girlfriend of two years and I have separated. At times likes this, one is drawn towards increased introspection. Wondering why the things that happened occurred, what you could have done to prevent them, and what you can do to learn from them. Upon reflection, I've boiled down the root of my failures and unhappiness. And I've even found a term for what I want to do: Monk Mode.

What is Monk Mode?

In simple words, Monk Mode is eliminating bullshit from your life in order to attain extreme focus on one's self-improvement, goals, and personal wellbeing. I use the purposefully vague term "bullshit" because it is really up to the individual to decide on what this means for them. This may be time wasting activities like scrolling social media, it can also include destructive activities like porn use. To some "bullshit" includes unhealthy relationships or environments. Many also decide to stop chasing sexual partners or social popularity. This, in order to redirect mental energy towards other things. Not having a romantic partner during a given time period in one's life is perfectly fine. Most guys also think they need to have sexual release periodically or else they'll die, which is absolutely not true. This is where the analogy of the monk comes in, as they are often celibate, and live reclusive lives in monasteries or temples. Monks are also intensely focused on their own craft. People on Monk Mode build confidence through self betterment, instead of chasing approval from others. If you want anyone to care about you, become someone worth caring about.

Many things we fill our lives with are just distractions. They provide no value and are often easily addictive. In this day and age, so many of us are so hopped up on dopamine rushes from TV, social media notifications, etc... We're addicted to distractions. We've lost the ability to be bored, to simply enjoy life. As a result normal activities like working on your passions, being in nature, and talking with friends have lost their pleasure because they're not "stimulating" enough. A lot of the things we use to distract ourselves are also intensely harmful to one's physical and mental health. These distractions prevent oneself from being able to focus and enjoy things that bring true value and happiness to one's life. I'm not saying that everything one does must be "productive". But it is important to relax in ways that truly allow oneself to mentally recover. I realized a while ago that playing video games did not do that for me. Despite me having conditioned myself to think of it as a relaxing pass-time activity. Instead doing other things like working out, or reading actually gives me rest and affords me the energy to spend time on my "productive" activities.


I have already begun this Monk Mode journey, and am very pleased with the results. For me, I am ultimately doing this because I want to achieve my goals. And I want to focus on the things I am truly passionate about, enjoying the time I dedicate to them and all other things I choose to fill my life with.
